
12 novembre 2005

Parole de sénateur 

Histoire de vous faire découvrir l'Akrasie, me suis autorisé d'y repiquer ces quelques vers prononcé récemment par Charles Grassley, Sénateur républicain, Iowa.

"You know, what--what makes our economy grow is energy. And, and Americans are used to going to the gas tank (sic), and when they put that hose in their, uh, tank, and when I do it, I wanna get gas out of it. And when I turn the light switch on, I want the lights to go on, and I don't want somebody to tell me I gotta change my way of living to satisfy them. Because this is America, and this is something we've worked our way into, and the American people are entitled to it, and if we're going to improve our standard of living, we have to consume more energy."

Ici, pour l'entrevue (si vous en avez le courage...).

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